Full title: Panels from an Altarpiece: The Annunciation
Artist: Gaudenzio Ferrari
Date made: before 1511

Full title: The Annunciation: The Angel GabrielEdgar Degas,
Artist: Gaudenzio Ferrari
Date made: before 1511

Full title: The Annunciation: The Virgin Mary
Artist: Gaudenzio Ferrari
Date made: before 1511

Full title: Whistlejacket
Artist: George Stubbs
Date made: about 1762

Full title: Bathers at Asnières
Artist: Georges Seurat
Date made: 1884

Full title: Study for 'Bathers at Asnières'
Artist: Georges Seurat
Date made: 1883-4

Full title: Study for 'La Grande Jatte'
Artist: Georges Seurat
Date made: 1884-5

Full title: Study for 'La Grande Jatte'
Artist: Georges Seurat
Date made: 1884-5

Full title: The Channel of Gravelines, Grand Fort-Philippe
Artist: Georges Seurat
Date made: 1890

Full title: The Morning Walk
Artist: Georges Seurat
Date made: 1885

Full title: The Rainbow: Study for 'Bathers at Asnières'
Artist: Georges Seurat
Date made: 1883

Full title: The Seine seen from La Grande Jatte
Artist: Georges Seurat
Date made: 1888

Full title: Fruit, Flowers and Game
Artist: Georgius Jacobus Johannes van Os
Date made: about 1820

Full title: Christ Nailed to the Cross
Artist: Gerard David
Date made: about 1481

Full title: Lamentation
Artist: Gerard David
Date made: 1515-23

Full title: A Woman playing a Theorbo to Two Men
Artist: Gerard ter Borch
Date made: about 1667-8

Full title: Portrait of a Young Man
Artist: Gerard ter Borch
Date made: about 1663

Full title: Christ before the High Priest
Artist: Gerrit van Honthorst
Date made: about 1617

Full title: Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia
Artist: Gerrit van Honthorst
Date made: 1642

Full title: Saint Sebastian
Artist: Gerrit van Honthorst
Date made: about 1623

Full title: Still Life with a Nautilus Cup
Artist: Attributed to Gerrit Willemsz. Heda
Date made: probably about 1645

Full title: Christ Crowned with Thorns
Artist: Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano
Date made: about 1510

Full title: The Banquet of Cleopatra
Artist: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Date made: 1740s

Full title: The Building of the Trojan Horse
Artist: Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
Date made: about 1760

Full title: The Procession of the Trojan Horse into Troy
Artist: Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
Date made: about 1760

Full title: Mary Magdalene
Artist: Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo
Date made: about 1535-40

Full title: The Coronation of the Virgin, and Other Scenes
Artist: Giusto de' Menabuoi
Date made: 1367

Full title: A Man Offering Gold and Coins to a Girl
Artist: Godfried Schalcken
Date made: about 1665-70

Full title: Allegory of Virtue and Riches
Artist: Godfried Schalcken
Date made: about 1667

Full title: Lot and his Daughters leaving Sodom
Artist: Guido Reni
Date made: about 1615-16

Full title: Saint Mary Magdalene
Artist: Guido Reni
Date made: about 1634-5

Full title: Susannah and the Elders
Artist: Guido Reni
Date made: 1620-5

Full title: The Adoration of the Shepherds
Artist: Guido Reni
Date made: about 1640

Full title: Portrait of Hermine Gallia
Artist: Gustav Klimt
Date made: 1904

Full title: Beach Scene
Artist: Gustave Courbet
Date made: 1874

Full title: Self Portrait (L'Homme à la Ceinture de Cuir)
Artist: Gustave Courbet
Date made: 1845-50

Full title: The Diligence in the Snow
Artist: Gustave Courbet
Date made: 1860

Full title: Still Life: An Allegory of the Vanities of Human Life
Artist: Harmen Steenwyck
Date made: about 1640

Full title: A Scene on the Ice near a Town
Artist: Hendrick Avercamp
Date made: about 1615

Full title: A Winter Scene with Skaters near a Castle
Artist: Hendrick Avercamp
Date made: about 1608-9

Full title: A Dutch Yacht and Other Vessels Becalmed near the Shore
Artist: Hendrick Dubbels
Date made: about 1660-70

Full title: A Merry Company at Table
Artist: Hendrick Pot
Date made: 1630

Full title: Two Lovers at Table
Artist: Hendrick Sorgh
Date made: 1644

Full title: A Man playing a Lute
Artist: Hendrick ter Brugghen
Date made: 1624

Full title: Jacob reproaching Laban
Artist: Hendrick ter Brugghen
Date made: 1627

Full title: The Concert
Artist: Hendrick ter Brugghen
Date made: about 1626

Full title: Pan pursuing Syrinx
Artist: Hendrick van Balen the Elder and Follower of Jan Brueghel the Elder
Date made: possibly after 1615

Full title: The Courtyard of a Renaissance Palace
Artist: Hendrick van Steenwyck the Younger
Date made: 1610

Full title: The Interior of a Gothic Church looking East
Artist: Hendrick van Steenwyck the Younger and Jan Brueghel the Elder
Date made: 1615

Full title: The Baron de Besenval in his Salon de Compagnie
Artist: Henri-Pierre Danloux
Date made: 1791

Full title: After the Bath, Woman drying herself
Artist: Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas
Date made: about 1890-5

Full title: At the Café Châteaudun
Artist: Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas
Date made: about 1869-71

Full title: Ballet Dancers
Artist: Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas
Date made: about 1890-1900

Full title: Beach Scene
Artist: Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas
Date made: about 1869-70

Full title: Combing the Hair ('La Coiffure')
Artist: Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas
Date made: about 1896

Full title: Hélène Rouart in her Father's Study
Artist: Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas
Date made: about 1886

Full title: Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando
Artist: Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas
Date made: 1879

Full title: Portrait of Elena Carafa
Artist: Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas
Date made: about 1875

Full title: Princess Pauline de Metternich
Artist: Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas
Date made: about 1865

Full title: Promenade beside the Sea
Artist: Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas
Date made: about 1860

Full title: Russian Dancers
Artist: Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas
Date made: about 1899

Full title: Young Spartans Exercising
Artist: Hilaire-Germain-Edgar Degas
Date made: about 1860

Full title: A Basket of Roses
Artist: Ignace-Henri-Théodore Fantin-Latour
Date made: 1890

Full title: Still Life with Glass Jug, Fruit and Flowers
Artist: Ignace-Henri-Théodore Fantin-Latour
Date made: 1861

Full title: The Rosy Wealth of June
Artist: Ignace-Henri-Théodore Fantin-Latour
Date made: 1886

Full title: A Doctor tending a Patient's Foot in his Surgery
Artist: Imitator of David Teniers the Younger
Date made: 17th century

Full title: Portrait of a Woman
Artist: Imitator of Gonzales Coques
Date made: about 1650

Full title: Landscape
Artist: Imitator of Gustave Courbet
Date made: 19th century

Full title: Sailing Vessels on a River in a Breeze
Artist: Imitator of Jan van Goyen
Date made: 1650s

Full title: The Dance
Artist: Imitator of Jean-Baptiste Pater
Date made: 18th century

Full title: Still Life with Bottle, Glass and Loaf
Artist: Imitator of Jean-Siméon Chardin
Date made: 19th century

Full title: Landscape: A River among Mountains
Artist: Imitator of Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Date made: about 1600

Full title: Portrait of a Young Man
Artist: Imitator of Raphael
Date made: early 16th and late 19th century

Full title: A Concert
Artist: Imitator of Titian
Date made: about 1580

Full title: A Farmyard
Artist: Isack van Ostade
Date made: about 1640

Full title: A Winter Scene
Artist: Isack van Ostade
Date made: 1640s

Full title: The Interior of a Barn with Two Peasants
Artist: Isack van Ostade
Date made: about 1645

Full title: A Female Figure resting on a Sword
Artist: Italian
Date made: probably 18th century

Full title: A Man and his Wife
Artist: Italian
Date made: mid-1540s

Full title: An Old Man holding a Pilgrim-Bottle
Artist: Italian
Date made: probably 1650s

Full title: Portrait of a Woman
Artist: Italian
Date made: 19th century

Full title: Portrait of a Young Man
Artist: Italian
Date made: 19th century

Full title: Portrait of a Young Man
Artist: Italian
Date made: about 1518

Full title: The Dead Christ supported by Angels
Artist: Italian
Date made: late 16th centur
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