Дворец был официально объявлен главной резиденцией британских монархов при вступлении на престол королевы Виктории в 1837 году.

Princess ( 1819-1901), later Queen Victoria. Johann Georg Paul Fischer (1786-1875)

Victoria, Duchess of Kent, (1786-1861) with Princess Victoria, (1819-1901) Sir William Beechey (1753-1839)

Victoria, Princess Royal by Sir William Charles Ross (British 1794 – 1860)

Queen Victoria (1819-1901) when a Girl. Richard Westall (1765-1836)

Queen Victoria (1819-1901), when a Girl. Alexandre-Jean Dubois Drahonet (1791-1834)

Queen Victoria (1819-1901), when Princess. Sir George Hayter (1792-1871)

Henry Collen (1798-1879) Princess Victoria, by Henry Collen (1836) at the age of 17, the year before she became Queen

Queen Victoria (1819-1901) Sir Edwin Landseer (1803-73)

Queen Victoria (1819-1901) John Partridge (1790-1872)

Charles Robert Leslie (1794-1859) Queen Victoria Receiving the Sacrament at her Coronation, 28 June 1838

Sir George Hayter (1792-1871) The Coronation of Queen Victoria in Westminster Abbey, 28 June 1838

Sir George Hayter (1792-1871) The Marriage of Queen Victoria, 10 February 1840

Queen Victoria (1819-1901), Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73)

Queen Victoria (1819-1901) Sir George Hayter (1792-1871) 1838-40

Queen Victoria (1819-1901) Sir George Hayter (1792-1871)

Queen Victoria (1819-1901) Henry Pierce Bone (1779-1855) 1843

Queen Victoria (1819-1901) Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73) 1842

Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73) Queen Victoria (1819-1901) 1843

Queen Victoria (1819-1901), After Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73) 1844 - 1845

Queen Victoria (1819-1901) Fréderica Dufaux (active 1851) 1851

Queen Victoria (1819-1901) George Freeman (1789-1868)

Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73) The cousins - Queen Victoria and Victoire, Duchesse de Nemours 1852

George Housman Thomas (1824-68) Queen Victoria and Prince Albert inspecting wounded Grenadier Guardsmen at Buckingham Palace 20 Feb 1855

Edward Matthew Ward (1816-79) The Investiture of Napoleon III with the Order of the Garter, 18 April 1855

Edward Matthew Ward (1816-1879) Queen Victoria at the Tomb of Napoleon, 24 August 1855

Queen Victoria (1819-1901) Charles-Lucien-Louis Muller (1815-92) 1856

George Housman Thomas (1824-68) Queen Victoria distributing the first Victoria Crosses seen close up 1857

Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73) Queen Victoria (1819-1901) 1859

John O'Connor (1830-89) The Queen driving through the gates of Buckingham Palace, with the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, 12 March 1874

Frederick Sargent (1837-99) The Garden Party at Buckingham Palace, 20 June 1887

Laurits Regner Tuxen (1853-1927) The Marriage of Princess Maud of Wales, 22 July 1896

Laurits Regner Tuxen (1853-1927) The Garden Party at Buckingham Palace, 28 June 1897

Queen Victoria (1819-1901)Carl Rudolph Sohn (1845-1908) 1883

Queen Victoria. Sir Hubert von Herkomer (1849–1914)

Queen Victoria (1819-1901) Baron Heinrich von Angeli (1840-1925) 1885

Queen Victoria (1819-1901) Baron Heinrich von Angeli (1840-1925) 1899
Королевская семья

Sir Edwin Landseer (1803-73) Windsor Castle in modern times; Queen Victoria, Prince Albert and Victoria, Princess Royal 1841 - 1843

Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73) The Royal Family in 1846

Sir Edwin Landseer (1803-73) Queen Victoria at Loch Laggan. Sep 1847 - Dec 1847

Sir Edwin Landseer (1803-1873) Victoria, Princess Royal, with Eos, 1841

Charles Robert Leslie (1794-1859) The Christening of Victoria, Princess Royal, 10 February 1841

Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73) Victoria, Princess Royal 1842

Charles-Lucien-Louis Muller (1815-92) Victoria, Princess Royal (1840-1901) 1856

John Philip (1817-1867) The Wedding of Princess Victoria, and Prince Friedrich of Prussia - 25 January 1858

Frank Reynolds (19в.) Victoria, Princess Royal (1840-1901)

Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73)Victoria, Princess Royal, Crown Princess of Prussia (1840-1901) 1867

Baron Heinrich von Angeli (1840-1925) Victoria, Princess Royal, Crown Princess of Germany (1840-1901)
Сын и наследник Виктории, Эдуард VII , родился в 1841 году в этом дворце и здесь же скончался в 1910 году.

Thomas Musgrove Joy (1812-66) Victoria, Princess Royal and Albert Edward, Prince of Wales 1843

Thomas Musgrove Joy (1812-66) Victoria, Princess Royal, with Albert Edward, Prince of Wales 1843

Queen Victoria (1819-1901) with Albert Edward, Prince of Wales (1841-1910) Robert Thorburn (1818-85)1844-1845

Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73) King Edward VII (1841-1910), when Albert Edward, Prince of Wales 1846

Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73) Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, with Prince Alfred 1849

Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73) Edward VII (1841-1910) when Prince of Wales

Wedding of Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, and Princess Alexandra of Denmark in St. George’s Chapel Windsor Castle am 10. März 1863.

William Powell Frith. The Marriage of the Prince of Wales, 10 March 1863

Richard Lauchert (1823-69) Queen Alexandra (1844-1925) when Princess of Wales 1862-63

The Coronation of King Edward VII (1841-1910) Edwin Austin Abbey (1852-1911)

The Coronation of King Edward VII (1841-1910) Laurits Regner Tuxen (1853-1927)

Laurits Regner Tuxen (1853-1927) The Anointing of Queen Alexandra at the Coronation of King Edward VII

Laurits Regner Tuxen (1853-1927) The Coronation of King Edward VII; the Crowning of Queen Alexandra

Sir Samuel Luke Fildes (1843-1927) Queen Alexandra (1844-1925) 1905

John Lewis Reilly (active 1857-1906) King Edward VII (1841-1910)

King Edward VII (1841-1910) Sir Samuel Luke Fildes (1843-1927)

After Emil Fuchs (1866-1929) King Edward VII

George Jennison. Edward VII (1841–1910) 1910

William & Daniel Downey (active 1860-early 1900s) (photographer) Edward VII (1841-1910)

Sir Arthur Stockdale Cope (1857-1940) King Edward VII (1841-1910) 1911

Philip Tennyson Cole (1862-1939) King Edward VII (1841-1910) 1906-7

Edward VII

Albert Edward

Albert Edward 1878 Colonel in Chief

After Walton, C. W. (fl.1850) Edward VII

Sir Edwin Landseer (1803-73) Princess Alice asleep 1843

Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73)Princess Alice (1843-78), later Grand Duchess of Hesse 1861

George Housman Thomas (1824-68) The Marriage of Princess Alice, 1st July 1862

William Corden the Younger (1819-1900)Princess Alice (1843-1878)

Robert Thorburn (1818-85) Queen Victoria (1819-1901) with Prince Alfred (1844-1900) and Princess Helena (1846-1923) 1847

Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73) Prince Alfred and Princess Helena 1848-49

Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73) Prince Alfred (1844-1900), later Duke of Edinburgh 1865

Carl Rudolph Sohn (1845-1908) Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh, with his family 1884

Albert Graefle (1807-89) Princess Louise (1848-1939) 1864

William Corden the Younger (1819-1900) Princess Helena (1846-1923) 1864

Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73) Princess Helena (1846-1923) 1865

Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73) Victoria, Princess Royal, Princess Alice, Princess Helena, and Princess Louise 1849

Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73) Queen Victoria with Prince Arthur 1850

Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73) The First of May 1851

Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73) Prince Leopold (1853-84) 1855

Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73) Princess Louise with Prince Arthur and Prince Leopold 1856

Richard L Alldridge (active 1866-87) Prince Leopold (1853-84), Duke of Albany 1884

Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-73) Princess Beatrice (1857-1944), later Princess Henry of Battenburg 1859

Richard Lauchert (1823-69) Princess Beatrice, later Princess Henry of Battenberg (1857-1944) when a child 1863
"Я радуюсь в Букингемском дворце", сказала королева Виктория, после восхождения на престол. Она не замечала запаха плесени и того, что королевские апартаменты вентилировались через общую канализацию, колокола не звонили, некоторые двери не закрывались, а окна не открывались… Виктория первая назначила Букингемский дворец главной королевской резиденцией в 1837 году. И хотя позднее, после смерти мужа в 1861 году, она переехала в Виндзорский замок, Букингем навсегда остался главной резиденцией монархов Англии.

Morrison, Douglas (1814-1847) Buckingham Palace - The Saloon 1843

William Evans (1798-1877) Reception for the Emperor of Russia and the King of Saxony in the Saloon at Buckingham Palace, 7 June 1844

Joseph Nash (1809-1878) South section of the Grand Corridor 1846

James Roberts (c. 1800-67) Buckingham Palace - the Queen's Bedroom 1848

James Roberts (c. 1800-67) Buckingham Palace - the Queen's Sitting-Room 1848

Morrison, Douglas (1814-1847) Buckingham Palace -The Private Chapel 1843-4

Egron Sellif Lundgren (1815-75) Christening of Princess Beatrice, 16 June 1857

George Housman Thomas (1824-68) Christening of Prince Albert Victor of Wales, at Buckingham Palace, 10 March 1864

Fresco Decoration in the Summer House of Buckingham Palace
В её правление были сделаны последние большие дополнения, постройка ещё одного флигеля и перенесение бывшего парадного входа, Мраморной арки, на нынешнее место возле Ораторского уголка в Гайд-парке.

John Buckler (1770-1851) Buckingham Palace with Marble Arch 1835

Joseph Nash (1809-1878) Buckingham Palace- the east front from St James's Park 1846

Buckingham Palace, Marble Arch, old print 1835

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