Detail of the 'star' at the centre of the vault of the Lady Chapel in Wells Cathedral.

Wells Cathedral nave vault

The Lady Chapel, designed by Thomas of Witney, was complete by 1326. Large decorated windows with medieval stained glass (restored) flood the octagonal chapel with coloured light. It is one of the finest medieval chapels of its kind in the country.

A riot of ribs in the vault of the Quire and retrochoir of Wells Cathedral.

Damaged by an earthquake in 1348, the original church on this site was abandoned. It was brought back to life around 1417 by the Colonna family who owned much of the surrounding area. Indeed the church of Santi Apostoli was almost considered the Colonna family chapel. The facade was changed much later and is quite unusual, making the church look almost like a palace. There is a Renaissance double loggia, and nine arches with statues resting atop. The fresco above the altar is one of the true masterworks of the Roman Baroque. Giovanni Odazzi's "Fall of the Rebel Angels". Similar to the Gesu church located nearby, the angels appear to tumble out of their frames and into the church below.

Australia. Sydney. St Mary's Cathedral, Ceiling

Australia Sydney
Sydney St Mary's Cathedral, Ceiling

St Mary's Cathedral, Ceiling

St Mary's Cathedral Sydney

Museum of Civilization Ottawa

louvre ceiling

Cloister ceiling infront of capella dei Pazzi II
Built for the Franciscans, started 1294, completed 1385 but only consecrated 1443. The Facade is mock Gothic added 1853-63 (not from long lost plans as is claimed!)

San Frediano cupola I
Florence - churches

Giusto de' Menabuoi
1375-1378 Battistero del Duomo Padua

Libreria Piccolomini
Bibliothèque de la cathédrale de Sienne

Plafond de la cathédrale de Monreale, Sicile

The ceiling of the Sanctuary of Peterborough Cathedral.

Ceiling in Alcazaba, Malaga, Spain

Blue and gold - the colours of heaven, and of Our Lady - are the predominant colours in this very elaborate vault above the High Altar of Salamanca Cathedral, which is dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Giusto de' Menabuoi

Prunksaal Wien

Vatican Museums

Ceiling Vatican


From the HFG Hamilton Doors Open 2009 Photowalk
St. Nicholas' Serbian Orthodox Church

View of the vault of Exeter College chapel, built by George Gilbert Scott.

Damaged by an earthquake in 1348, the original church on this site was abandoned. It was brought back to life around 1417 by the Colonna family who owned much of the surrounding area. Indeed the church of Santi Apostoli was almost considered the Colonna family chapel.



Glass ceiling in Waterstones bookshop in Birmingham

altro soffitto al topkapi

Chiesa Del Gesu

Il Baciccia's fresco "Triumph In The Name Of Jesus" with stucco angels by Antonio Raggi. This fresco is perhaps the most important of the entire Baroque period.

Santa Maria Della Pace

St Albans cathedral

Ceiling in the Louvre

Wessobrunn Ceiling

Heiligenkirche, Munich

Saint-Guénolé Church of Batz-sur-Mer
Cette église de style gothique flamboyant date de la fin du XIVe siècle et du début du XVe siècle. La tour est plus récente (XVIIe siècle). À l'origine, l’église était surmontée d’un clocher de bois, qui fut victime de la foudre en 1603 et en 1657.

The ceiling of the Quire of Gloucester Cathedral

The stained-glass ceiling of Wafi shopping mall, Dubai,

Mutrah Souk, Muscat, Oman

Grote of St. Bavo Kerk, Haarlem

Bavaria Andechs

inside looking up in the burj al arab, dubai

burj al arab, dubai

Art Nouveau rose dome detail.


King's Chapel - Fan Vaulted Ceiling Architecture Building Cambridge

Ely Cathedral - Octagon Lantern

Reales Alcázares

Reales Alcázares Palace

Reales Alcázares

UK & Ireland (Set)


Grand Hall, Schonbrunn

Plafond de La Galerie des Glaces
Le chef-d'œuvre de Versailles, la galerie des Glaces, est commencé en 1678, au moment où Versailles devient résidence officielle.

Ceiling in the Louvre

Navidad en el Mercado Central Valencia

Korean Things

Korean Things

The Abbey Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Bath, commonly known as Bath Abbey, is an Anglican parish church and a former Benedictine monastery. Founded in the 7th century, reorganised in the 10th century and rebuilt in the 12th and 16th centuries

The Abbey Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul

----------York Minster: Chapter House--------------------

York Minster ceiling, 1797 - Chapter House - wood ribbing - circular shield - 1840s addition of heraldry symbols at edges of shield, by artist Thomas Willement - Boss center is the 'lamb of God' - Jesus represented as the lamb - bosses, star pattern, wooden ribbing

York Minster Interior - Architectural details - Ceiling of Chaper House - red and green - painted - gold gilt wooden spines
England Churches

York Minster Interior - Architectural details - Ceiling of Chaper House - red and green - painted - gold gilt wooden spines

Museu da cachaça Brasil


The ceiling at The Venetian hotel in Las Vegas

St. Anthony`s Basilica - Organ

Genoa, San Siro, vault, detail
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